
We love helping to build skills and confidence.

Our resources are designed for researchers and research communicators.
Use them to plan and deliver effective communication about your work.

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Read our book on research communication

Perfect for academics, governmental researchers, impact evaluators and anyone working in research communication.

Get The Guide to Communication Research today and take the first step towards becoming a better communicator.

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Attend or organise a practical training workshop

Our interactive and practical research communication workshops are tailored to meet your objectives, engaging and fun.

We maximise learning by providing participants with opportunities to practice new skills, reflect and exchange insights, all within a supportive environment.

Workshops have specific outcomes such as designing a policy brief, creating a communications strategy, effective outreach, influencing policymakers and stakeholders, or pitching journalists and giving a media interview.

Step-by-step instructions to create one of the most popular research communication formats in our easy-to-follow 32-page guide.

Research communication newsletter

Best practices, news and resources for research communication. We’re dedicated to providing our community with useful ideas, tips, funding opportunities and case studies to help you communicate complex research with impact.