New Visual Summary for Dr Jo Bates, Sheffield Uni
Read more: New Visual Summary for Dr Jo Bates, Sheffield UniI met Dr Jo Bates from the University of Sheffield during a ‘Data and Society’ module as part of my Data Science MSc. I enjoyed her course because it made us think about data ethics in our society. After completing my course, she approached us to create a visual summary based on her research. This […]
Policy Brief for Dr Kokkinis, GLOBE, Warwick University
Read more: Policy Brief for Dr Kokkinis, GLOBE, Warwick UniversityI was introduced to Dr Andreas Kokkinis and Dr Celine Tan from Warwick University after creating a 4-page visual summary on labour standards for Dr James Harrison. While impressed with the stand-alone document that was presented to policymakers in Brussels with great success and impact, Andreas and Celine had their minds on something else. They wanted to launch […]
Research presented as illustrations and infocomics
Read more: Research presented as illustrations and infocomicsThis post explores why research presented as illustrations and infocomics can be an effective communication tool. We discuss the definition of illustrations and infocomics and show examples from academia. Are you ready to find out how illustrations and infocomics can be useful for presenting research? Let’s begin! What are illustrations and infocomics? Before we offer […]
Policy Briefs – Ways to Present Research
Read more: Policy Briefs – Ways to Present ResearchThis blog focuses on four important aspects of writing policy briefs, offering practical examples of their structure. In contrast to infographics and visual summaries, the clue is in the name with policy briefs. The policy angle is key when producing a policy brief. Therefore, research findings must be presented with the intention to be applicable […]
Creating a visual summary of your research
Read more: Creating a visual summary of your researchThis post explores the topic of creating a visual summary of your research findings. We start by offering a definition of visual summaries and their use for research communication. We then discuss how to plan ahead and organise your content, focusing on the key messages, visuals, and call to action. Are you ready to find […]
Presenting research in infographics
Read more: Presenting research in infographicsWhenever I introduce my business to people and explain what we do, people immediately think about presenting research in infographics. And indeed infographics are one of the four research support products available to our clients. In this post we will cover their definition, why they are useful for presenting research and offer some concrete examples […]
What does it mean to ‘retell research’?
Read more: What does it mean to ‘retell research’?Each year approximately £6 billion are invested in research in the UK (UKRI). One problem is that the resulting research findings are under-utilised in decision-making processes because those who need to implement them don’t understand either a) the jargon and what the research did and b) how the findings apply directly to them and their […]
New Visual Research Summary for Pf Caroline Dyer, Leeds University
Read more: New Visual Research Summary for Pf Caroline Dyer, Leeds University[two_col_66_33_col1] I was introduced to Pf Caroline Dyer through a previous client, Pf Cristina Leston-Bandeira, also from the University of Leeds. We collaborated with Cristina in June this year and, following from that, she introduced us to Caroline. When Caroline and I connected we agreed to create a 2-page visual summary based on Caroline’s research, […]
Infographics and research
Read more: Infographics and researchThe use of infographics has seen a boom in 2013-2014 and for some talking about them in 2016 might seem a bit passé. But it’s important to remember that some industries may not have been so quick to catch on with the trend and that there is still tremendous value in exploring the potential of infographics. This […]