Tips for communicating research to stakeholders
Read more: Tips for communicating research to stakeholdersIn this blog post, we share insights from two researchers and one impact consultant on communicating research to stakeholders This is a follow-up post from our blog on communication tips for academic researchers sourced from five published authors in The Conversation. What do we mean by stakeholder? We’ll pay homage to our academic inclinations […]
Presenting research to a non-academic audience
Read more: Presenting research to a non-academic audienceIn this blog, we share six tips on presenting research to a non-academic audience. Our insights are based on reviewing the top 12 presentations on Slideshare about this topic. This blog post is written from the perspective of a non-academic audience member, with a background in Integrated Marketing Communications, Events Management and Public Relations. […]
Insights from the Festival of Ideas
Read more: Insights from the Festival of IdeasIn this blog, we share our insights from the Festival of Ideas in Leeds. The event took place on Monday the 8th of April and was organised by the University of Leeds. The Festival of Ideas is an annual event that brings together academia and industry for a day of talks and discussion. Academics from […]
5 things I learned during my first radio interview
Read more: 5 things I learned during my first radio interviewWhenever anyone asks me to share my journey about starting Research Retold I’m usually very open. Yet, when Jamie asked me to do this during the Business Live radio show I knew it would be a completely new experience. In many ways, the radio interview felt like a conversation over coffee. In other ways, knowing […]
Communication tips for academic researchers
Read more: Communication tips for academic researchersIn this blog post, we share 5 communication tips for academic researchers. We sourced these tips from 5 researchers who have published articles in The Conversation. These are 5 of the 20 researchers we reached out to a month ago to ask for insights. Communicating research can be an exciting process. It can increase the […]
Reducing loneliness with an app and a map: Careview
Read more: Reducing loneliness with an app and a map: CareviewIf you work in health and social care, engage with older residents or newly arrived migrants, this blog post is for you. “Loneliness is on its way to becoming Britain’s most lethal condition” reported Joe Smith in The Independent last April. He highlights Julianne Holt-Lunstad’s research which states that loneliness significantly increases the risk of premature death. […]
NEF Live 2019 – A story about my entrepreneurial journey
Read more: NEF Live 2019 – A story about my entrepreneurial journeyAnother week, another exciting event to share with you. We spent this week in London attending NEF Live 2019, organised by the New Entrepreneurs Foundation, and meeting with several people involved in research communication. In this blog post, I share some insights from NEF Live 2019 and how it ties to my entrepreneurial journey. The […]
Communicating research to wider audiences: three insights from practice
Read more: Communicating research to wider audiences: three insights from practiceHappy Friday! I hope you’ve all had an amazing week. It’s been quiet in our office today. I took it as an opportunity to reflect on the event I went to yesterday at the University of Manchester. The event included a workshop on communicating research to wider audiences. Today I want to share three insights from […]
5 must-read articles on research communication in 2018
Read more: 5 must-read articles on research communication in 2018There are more and more interesting articles on research communication available online. This is because more and more academics find ways to get stakeholders to engage with their research findings. Moreover, the beauty of research communication is that its tools and practices can be applied to every single research area. This blog post highlights the […]