Presenting for audiences outside of academia
Read more: Presenting for audiences outside of academiaIn this blog post, Julian Gosliga discusses the topic of presenting for audiences outside of academia. Julian is a Research Associate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield. In his current role and during his PhD, Julian has regularly been involved in communicating his research to the public. Specifically, his research […]
Starting a postdoc in a pandemic
Read more: Starting a postdoc in a pandemicTo discuss the unique aspects of starting a postdoc in a pandemic, we’re collaborating with Dr Ben Purvis, from the University of Sheffield. Ben is an early career researcher in sustainability science, urban studies and modelling in the School of Architecture. He attended our ‘Communicating research beyond academia’ workshop following which we agreed to collaborate on starting […]
The benefits of virtual networking for researchers
Read more: The benefits of virtual networking for researchersTo discuss the benefits of virtual networking for researchers we’re collaborating with Mariam Abood from Scientistt. Mariam is a Masters student of Women’s Studies at the University of York and Content Manager for Scientistt is an exciting new platform that offers virtual networking for researchers. You’ll learn more about the platform and its features […]
Diversifying your skill set during your PhD
Read more: Diversifying your skill set during your PhDTo discuss the importance of diversifying your skillset during your PhD, we’re collaborating with Cher Farrugia from the University of Sheffield. Cher is a PhD student in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health. Her work investigates the role of oral microorganisms in the initiation of cardiovascular disease. Cher attended our ‘Communicating research beyond academia’ workshop following which we […]
Communication tips for engaging patients with research online
Read more: Communication tips for engaging patients with research onlineTo share communication tips for engaging patients with research online we partnered with Dr Kate Hill from the University of Leeds. Kate is a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Medicine. She got in touch with us after organising the first virtual Action Mesothelioma Day (AMD) on Friday, the 3rd of July 2020. The “Meet the Researchers” format […]
Academic writing tips to write longer and be productive
Read more: Academic writing tips to write longer and be productiveIn this blog post, Vera Chan shares her academic writing tips to write longer and be productive. I met Vera on Instagram, after a live video on @researchretold to get to know our community. In this period of self-isolation, social media has become a place to connect and meet new people. Vera is a life scientist currently […]
Increasing representation in science through creativity – Heidi Gardner
Read more: Increasing representation in science through creativity – Heidi GardnerIncreasing representation in science is key. Whether it’s in the media or in conference panels, it’s important for those underrepresented to break down stereotypes of who can be a scientist. Last year I discovered how this could be done through creativity. One sunny afternoon I logged onto my Twitter account and I came across a […]
How to deliver a successful virtual workshop via Zoom
Read more: How to deliver a successful virtual workshop via ZoomIn this blog post, we share a three-step process on how to deliver a successful virtual workshop via Zoom. This post is organised in a before, during and after structure to make it easy for you to implement. The COVID19 pandemic has forced us to adapt and adjust our ways of working. What seemed unthinkable a few months ago is […]
Transitioning to online delivery in the virtual classroom
Read more: Transitioning to online delivery in the virtual classroomIn this blog post, Anne-Marie Greenslade shares her tips for transitioning to online delivery of content in the virtual classroom. Anne -Marie previously wrote a blog post on presenting sensitive information in creative ways Success in the virtual classroom: transitioning to online delivery The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changes to our way […]